I Remember going out doing the same thing with a few of my friends when we were kids, with an old Guy Fawkes on a little trolley, we used to do topical back then so if the local councillor was upto no good it was his face pasted on the old football for a head lol.
Later on in life we also used to go out "Cob a Coaling" (Singing a bonfirm night song of which i can now only remember the first line lol), used to visit the main streets/roads etc in the village with an old Sweet tin to collect in and then we would traipse up to the 3 old folks homes on outskirts of village, i think it used to be the highlight of their month and they used to lavish us with cash and also "A few sweets for your walk home!".
It pretty much used to pay for all the fireworks!.
Happy memories indeed