General > Track Days

Ring Track Day

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Top Cat:
Have a great time you bunch of barstewards. ( as you can tell i am not Jelous ).  :wink:  plenty of pics please.  :jumping:

This time tomorrow night I'll have my dancing pants on and throwing some shapes on the Hull to Rotters party ferry  :pomppomp:

Ring and then Spa on the Wednesday for me  :smiley:

Enjoy fellas. :happy2:


--- Quote from: Beddie on October 04, 2012, 10:18:38 pm ---This time tomorrow night I'll have my dancing pants on and throwing some shapes on the Hull to Rotters party ferry  :pomppomp:

Ring and then Spa on the Wednesday for me  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

Hull Party boat for us aswell tonight  :happy2: red mk4, red mk6, black noble m400   :happy2:


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