Frustrated guys.

Booked a major service (and brake fluid change) for the Golf last week at Savilles Skoda (Kidderminster), expecting to receive this quantity of service items replaced as the same engine is used by them in the Octavia, AND had decent service from them before (on our Mk4 GTI); times change.
If you click on the link above (what's included tab), they did everything, EXCEPT;
Replace the AIR filter (instead they blew the old one out

Replace the Fuel filter
didn't even bother to vacuum the car.
Just spoke to the service manager, and they don't do these items on their similarly engined Octavia

They would charge extra! He apologised for the fact I wasn't happy, but failed to offer putting things right. This extra work amounts to £90 and VW would have included it.
They were only £18 cheaper than VW, but when you factor in the above, were more expensive. It would have been cheaper and more straighforward to go to VW instead.
More the fool me!
Please be aware if booking at a non VW dealer, eventhough you expect, at the very least, the same level and quality of service for the same given car!I WILL NEVER USE SAVILLES AGAIN.