Hi all can i ask some advice
Right first of i bought a ED30 6 weeks ago 51k full VW history private sale
The last service was done in april this year cam belt change & service
Now the bad bit & what has been found out...
Last week was driving the car stopped at lights the revs were bouncing & car didnt feel right,i drove the car straight home turned it off & popped the bonnet OIL everywhere OMG i couldnt believe it gutted
After a closer inspection i traced the oil was coming from around the crank so i got my ED30 recovered to my m8s garage hopefully a simple crank seal
Today i had a phone call from my m8 saying he has found the problem
First of all he noticed a bolt was missing from the belt casing & its clear no bolt was ever screwed into one hole due to no bolt markings ect bad that the dealer missed a bolt u would think but now the worse is yet to come the bolt is wedged into the oil pump casing causing a hole in the casing & has caused the belt to fray luckly not snap.
basicly it seems when at VW the mechanic dropped a bolt prob pressumed it fell down on the floor or something but it hadnt it went into the drive system & eventually caused damage!!
ive been in touch with the dealers that are approx 60 miles away from me they have said in another words well how do we know the belt casing hasnt been taken off by someone after us wtf!! why would anyone mess with that part of the engine when the belt was only changed 3000 miles ago the best they can do it for me to get it recovered to them & they will have a look recovery will cost me £240+
So im now left with a bolt wedged & in need of a new belt & oil pump n labour ect
What should i do take this matter futher?