So it has been a while since I have updated this but TBH not much has happened. It is currently in winter/bad weather mode so back on the Classix. I had them powder coated over Christmas too after seeing
@Sjw_Vw 's done in black. Only difference is I prefer to run them without the centre caps so made some Nylon ones at work to blank the hole then use the standard nut covers. Gives a slightly different look.
It also had a much needed wash and some wax the other weekend. You'll have to excuse the phone pics. The only ones I have of it in its current guise.

I also decided to put the number plate mount back on. After the magnets corroding I changed to double sided suckers. When we had the snow earlier this year, during the melt some slid off the bonnet and pulled the plate off and it wouldn't stay on after that and got fed up of it. I managed to pick up a standard plate mount and shorten it to fit my personal plate and reattach to the grill panel.