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How to: repair 3 door sliding seat problem

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Is your 3door seat folding but not sliding forward to let people in the back of the car? I had this problem for the past 3 years and final got round to fixing it.

Parts required:

The part is listed on ETKA as “holder for bowden cable”

Passenger side part number – 1K3 881 132 B
Drivers side part number -  1K3 881 132 C

Lastest Price (Jul 2014): £0.67
(New part shown on right here)

Tools required:

Slot screwdriver or similar
Small pair of fingers!

The guide shows this part being replaced on the passenger side seat, drivers side is the same. I must say that by the close up pictures of my seat rails they look filthy….I blame the camera!!

For ease of access slide the seat as far forward and jack the height adjuster up as high as it will go. Highlighted is the mechanism were interested in.

I did the same with my driver’s seat and tilted/slide it a couple of times to understand how handle and tilting action adjusts the cable which attaches to the seat runner.

When the seat is tilted forward the cable comes into tension and pulls on a catch mounted on the rear outer seat rail which releases the seat allowing it to slide forward.

The issue I had was when tilted this cable would not be in tension as the clip which keeps it in tension was broken.

To release the cable, unscrew the screw tensioner shown and pop it out of the bracket.

It can then be unhooked from the guide hole on the left hand side. 

Under the back adjustment winder you can trace the cable. To aid access the plastic cover pictured below at the back of the seat slides down and then is bent back and down out of the way. (Thanks Huntsman - made it a bit clearer with your description)

My cable guide was already out the clip but you may have to remove yours. The guide then can be pulled off cable.

Old and new cable guide, you can see the design change on the left to improve the strength of the hooked lug.

Attach new guide to the cable.

The bottom of guide hooks onto seat base.

Circled is where the guide clips into position.

A screwdriver is handy here to pop the clip back into position.

Refitting the cable is then the reversal of the previous steps shown, adjusting the plastic tensioner screw till the seat slides smoothly without making a ratchey noise.

Whilst you are working at your seats, here’s an easy way to make some cash…..

One M10 spline + 5mins removing your seats and viola

£4.64 and a milkbar button  :smiley:

Nice write up, been meaning to sort mine since I bought the car!!

Nicely done..continuous improvement at its best  :happy2: my passenger seat makes a ratchety sound when sliding forward (seat folded up) - could this mean that the mechanism is close to breaking point?

Great write up mate  :congrats:
Great photo'd and clear instructions  :happy2:

It's people like you that make forums such an amazing place! With these sort of tutorials we save so much money. I bet it would have been £50+ to have repaired at the stealers :wink:

The How-to's on this forum must have saved me £££'s plus it's a good feeling when you gain the confidence to do the job yourself. Also if you come across any hurdles, there's always forum members online ready to help.

Keep em coming  :notworthy:

Post thanked! Just done this today! Really really impressed with actually how easy of a solution it is! For the sake of 55p I also changed my driovers side and they both now slide like there ice on glass!

--- Quote ---my passenger seat makes a ratchety sound when sliding forward
--- End quote ---

Yes this is what my drivers seat did so I changed that as well and it fixed that, another free alternative is tighten up the cable by twisting the black nob in picture 3, but for 55p I would replace the whole thing as these ones seam a hell of a lot stronger then the old ones!


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