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How to: repair 3 door sliding seat problem

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Probably being really thick here but I can't find the above 'holder for bowden cable'; on ebay! Thing is called VW up and they said it was £28, i'd rather pay 62p!  :happy2:


Actually on looking at the seat, the handle that I pull on literally feels like its not connected as the seat does not even fold forwards.


--- Quote from: w80ody on November 09, 2011, 04:54:42 pm ---Is your 3door seat folding but not sliding forward to let people in the back of the car? I had this problem for the past 3 years and final got round to fixing it.

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Stunning  :happy2:
I was about to start pulling the seat back rest to pieces; I thought top seat release leaver pulled the cable you talk about lol.

The fact that as the seat leaned forward pulled the cable was lost on me.

--- Quote from: w80ody on November 09, 2011, 04:54:42 pm ---Under the back adjustment winder you can trace the cable. I took this trim out which aids access  

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The plastic cover mentioned above at the back of the seat slides down and then is bent back and down out of the way; just in case people missed that.

My passenger seat slider stopped working last night. Although it's not just when you are trying to get in the back, it wont slide at all now.

Is this likely to be the clip or something else as well? I haven't had chance to have a look at it yet.


--- Quote from: Ollie. on September 14, 2013, 07:35:50 pm ---My passenger seat slider stopped working last night. Although it's not just when you are trying to get in the back, it wont slide at all now.

Is this likely to be the clip or something else as well? I haven't had chance to have a look at it yet.

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While working on repairing my seat as per the brilliant instructions in this tread the seat did lock up.
There is a metal slider in the outside track that allows the seat to remember where the user last set the seat if you accidentally knock this to far towards the front the seat seems to lockup. Use a thin screwdriver to rock the slider, and unlock it, and move it aft. Then the seat will move.

Hope that helps (assuming it is the same fault)

If you put the seat in the highest setting and move seat adjuster up and down and rock the back rest you can see how the seat should work.

I have purchased the new parts from a VW agent using my car reg and they match the part numbers in this excellent thread.

My problem is...
There is no way that part fits my vehicle :(

In the photos of the assembly, the depth between the top and the bottom lugs exactly matches the depth of the seat frame the part clips to.
On my vehicle the depth of the seat frame is nearly twice that of the supplied part!

Anyone else had this problem?
Did they change the seat around 10/3/2005 on a 2.0 GT 140 bhp TDI?



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