I like the MKVI, but there are some places in the design execution that are just plain wrong.
The door handles are just plain wrong - they stick out too far and the MKV ones look much better.
The rear light clusters look like they were designed by my 6 year old nephew. The MKV ones are bad enough, but the MKVI looks like it took a leaf out of the "how not to design...." book.
The rear windscreen has a gap at the top of it that is only just a little narrower than the Panama canal - I showed Matt this at Ultimate dubs.
The MKV is far from perfect, but I can see where the cost cutting has been done.
The upsides to the MKVI are that it is now fully colour coded at the front and rear - big bonus.
Some of the extra technologies are an upside - but I still get the feeling they maybe a bit "gadgety" rather than do much for the driving enhancement.
The front light clusters on with the Xenons are growing on me and are an option I would have to choose next time around (assuming I go for a MKVI).
I'm probably one of the few people who like the fact that they have removed the bump strips - although it is definitely part of the VW cost cutting regime.
I'm just hoping that VW can blow us away with the R20 design.