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sad sad day..
My Nikon d300 broke last night while shooting a club. A/F external light on the body stopped working, sooo I sent it off to Nikon today.
Been thinking about getting a Nikon D3s as an upgrade and keeping my D300 as a backup.
Anyone have experience with the D3?
The D3s is a brilliant camera if you have the budget but I'd wait if I were you for the next generation pro bodies, but God knows when they will arrive :confused: Nikon were very badly hit by the earthquake earlier in the year and recently by the floods in Thailand so all the new pro bodies have been delayed. I've been waiting all year to replace my two D300's (both high mileage) but to no avail. Might have to switch to Canon at this rate :surprised: I wouldn't worry too much about your A/F light not working, I usually have mine switched off. It might just be the bulb gone.
The wait for the new pros is stupid long. I was keen on getting the D4, but who the hell knows when it will come out...if it even will!!
As for switching to Canon...noooooo thankyou haha. Plus I have too many lenses and accessories to justify switching!
The focus light isn't a massive deal no, my SB-600 has a/f light assist on it anyways, I just wanted to get it sent off to sort out so I have a fully functioning camera again until I upgrade, and when I upgrade, I have a fully functioning backup!! (Main reason for sending it off was that the lens mount seems to be bent, as it is giving me some serious resistance when changing lenses.)
The D300 is an awesome pro dx camera, and I have taken (in my opinion) some fantastic shots with it, but as it is coming to the end of its life as well, Its time to go fx, and very low light shooting capability with the Ds3 (or ds4 if I can wait)! Then anticipation is killing me, I am actually losing sleep.
The main reason for me titling my thread sad sad because I wont have a camera for OVER A MONTH while Nikons taking a look, and giving it a tune up. Perfect proof of why I need another camera so I always have a back up.........not shooting for a month is killer, especially when I shoot every day!
HURRY THE F@#K UP NIKON AND RELEASE THE D4!!!! (I know they took a beating with those natural disasters which is horrible news...but if they want to make their money back, and compete with Canon, to keep photographers from switching they better hurry the hell up ha)
ps, isnt the world supposed to end this next year.............I sure hope the D4 is released before then.
-Neil K
--- Quote from: baggedmk5 on November 13, 2011, 12:58:19 am ---
ps, isnt the world supposed to end this next year.............I sure hope the D4 is released before then.
-Neil K
--- End quote ---
My guess is it will probably be released in time for the Olympics and then after that can be used to capture the end of the world :scared:
A month seems a long time. Are you a NPS member? Usually 2 or 3 day turnaround on repairs if you are.
I don't fancy going to the dark side either but may have to if Nikon don't hurry up. Canon are clearly back in front now after taking a hammering on the last generation.
They released the d3 and d7000 for the last olympics I believe, but I really don't know if they will make it in time for this years!
Ive "settled" on the D3s, and will be ordering it soon.
Can't wait.
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