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Mk5 Shadow Blue Golf R32

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Beautiful.  At first I was unsure about the colour but seeing your has changed my mind!  Lovely!   :happy2:

Cheers, when I bought it I only went to look on the off chance to get a feeler for prices against quality.

I had a look at about 6 R's when I was looking to buy one and even some at the dealers were absolute rubbish, with flat paint or clearly been mis-treated.

The day I went to see this i sat in traffic on the M25 for about 2 hours on my way to Hertfordshire and very nearly came home without bothering.

thankfully I carried on, and as I pulled into the close there was this immaculate looking shadow blue R32 gleaming in the sunlight (the pictures i have used aren't the best and dont do it proper justice) and i fell in love with the shadow blue.

The nicest thing about it is there are not that many about and personally i think it is a nicer colour than the widely available DBP.

This car had clearly been cherished and I made him an offer there and then.  Sadly i'm now looking to sell it, as i need to free up some cash for a house build.

 :driver:now u are talking mate!  :jumpmove:

Stunning  :drool:

Love the colour mate. Quite rare as well I bet  :happy2:


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