I bank with LloydsTSB and have the platinum account which provides mobile phone insurance, free overdraft, worldwide travel insurance and full breakdown cover, it costs me £9pm but should be £18pm.
Same as!!

I pay more than that, no fair!!!

Am with Lloyds bank so have the Platinum Account. This also comes with the ID aware (very good service) which is usually £6.99 a month. Free overdraft, saving £5.00 a month. Travel insurance (which covers me and the Mrs) saves us approx' £10-£15 a month. Phone insurance saves around £7 a month. Card protection (for mine and my wife's cards) saves around £5-£10 a month. Not forgetting Full AA Breakdown service with Homestart, saving £169 a year. There's a load of other little things you get as well on the banking side. The AA cover alone pays for everything else.