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its gone pop....again

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congrats on a good reult  :happy2:

glad you got it sorted  :happy2:


That's great news!! It's what I both hoped and expected would happen but I didn't want to give you false hopes.

See you up north on 29th! :happy2:

The wheel man:

--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 13, 2008, 03:42:39 pm ---^^^^

That's great news!! It's what I both hoped and expected would happen but I didn't want to give you false hopes.

See you up north on 29th! :happy2:

--- End quote ---

Definatly, althought i was wondering if i would have any money for fuel to even go!!  All's well that ends well!!  :smiley:

Congrats Ben glad you got it sorted for nought !  :happy2:

seems you got a good result with Leicester VW .


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