Hi everybody!
I thought if I started a thread, that both newbies and Apple Guru's can ask and answer questions about Apple techy stuff, then it could be all in one place!

I know that I for one have asked lots of questions already, and probably will have a lot more in the future!
So I will start the ball rolling....
I recently purchased a MacBook Air and I love it so much. I love everything about it, and I have got used to all the basics, except for iTunes! I still struggle in some areas. (i talk more about this another day)
The first question I would like to ask really is...
Do you guys and girls that use iTunes, add all your music files and video files to
just iTunes?
I just realised that my music is both in my music folder and in iTunes. Is it worth deleting the files in the Music folder? is there any benefit to having the music in both "my music" and iTunes?
This might not make a big difference to most people with big HDD/SSD's, but on my MacBook Air the SSD is only 256GB.