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Author Topic: How do I get a good paint match?  (Read 5168 times)

Offline snapey

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2009, 03:37:31 pm »
My father runs a body shop and doesn't mix his own paint, can't see the point costing, space wise and liability wise. He purchases his paint from a paint wholesaler (VRS) in his case and I can't image this body shop being any different unless it's something like chartwells or another similar sized company who are regulated repairers for Ferrari, Lamborghini, masserati etc where they tend to keep everything in house.

Bet its just a case of the paint turning up and them getting it out as soon as possible.

Have you taken it back to see what they have said about it?

If you have to ask why, you'll never understand.

Offline T88OMM

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2009, 05:34:41 pm »
I hate having bits sprayed on cars. I had a full Caractere kit fitted to on of my first MKV's, I went through 4 body shops before I was happy. I ended up paying top dollar at a place that speciailised in Ferrari/Lamborghini  :sick:

That match looks shocking mate, you could do better than that with spray cans from Halfrauds  :surprised:

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Offline xxx_mojo_xxx

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2009, 09:19:39 pm »
My father runs a body shop and doesn't mix his own paint, can't see the point costing, space wise and liability wise. He purchases his paint from a paint wholesaler (VRS) in his case and I can't image this body shop being any different unless it's something like chartwells or another similar sized company who are regulated repairers for Ferrari, Lamborghini, masserati etc where they tend to keep everything in house.

Bet its just a case of the paint turning up and them getting it out as soon as possible.

Have you taken it back to see what they have said about it?


Body shop has told me that they have used the paint code as per the one against the chassis number...  but when I spoke to VW they said they have to blend a few variants to get a good colour match...whatever that means...

Offline mortygttdi

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2009, 10:22:12 pm »
Mojo not sure how far away you are from Rochdale but there is a company called PanelCare that I can highly recommend. Speak to Jake Walsh hes over on he uses a system called Dupont you've probably heard of it but they dont use the colour codes they have a camera that basically goes on the body of your car and they take pictures of different areas then they place it in a dock and the Pc program tells them the best match and it may not be even a vw colour but it will match perfectly.


Offline keith

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2009, 10:25:47 pm »
I had a hit and run on my ed30 and the body shop pulled of a blinder, you cant tell its had two doors painted I was well chuffed.

What you need to take into account when getting bits sprayed is
1 - the year of your car, if the car is 2 year old the paint will have weathered somewhat in that time, so fresh paint will differ
2- factory paints will differ from body shops as they maybe the same paint code but the ingredients maybe from differnet suppliers.taking into account inferior paint costs etc..

a classic case of this is the MKII Leon FR/cupra (any mode)l, a brand new car but look closely espec the silver & red versions and you will notice a slight difference. Its more noticeable under a camera flash it really stands out.Seat advised this is due to the body work being sprayed in one country and the bumpers another, same paint code diff supplier of ingredients.

Offline xxx_mojo_xxx

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Re: How do I get a good paint match?
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2009, 11:47:10 am »
Mojo not sure how far away you are from Rochdale but there is a company called PanelCare that I can highly recommend. Speak to Jake Walsh hes over on he uses a system called Dupont you've probably heard of it but they dont use the colour codes they have a camera that basically goes on the body of your car and they take pictures of different areas then they place it in a dock and the Pc program tells them the best match and it may not be even a vw colour but it will match perfectly.


Rochdale is a bit of a trek from Luton...over 200 miles I think.  Thanks for the advice though.  I think the body shop did mention they use "DuPont" but they used the chassis no to mix the paint rather than use the camera.

I'm going to get the side skirts fitted and then ask them to repaint the bits whilst on the car.  But I will make a point that they minimise blending on to the existing panels and also do the "camera" paint match...