Hello guys
What can I say.... Im shattered.

It was 26 degrees here today, It was hot, humid and my rotary bombed out before I could even use it.:argue:
So its been a rough day... Feeling dizzy, nauseas and exhausted

So here we go. Today was a 320D in black. And it needed some love.
Some before pics:

An then the hatred of my life... Typical BMW Wheels... Check the tar deposits.... Poor clay bar....

This ladies and gents was a quarter of the front panel....

The car was:
- Washed and clayed
- Given 4 coats of Chemical Guys Pro polish
- Rewashed
- Given two coats of Collonite
- Then given a coat of Opti Seal sealant and glaze.
- Rims were waxed with Bilt Hamber
- Interior was cleaned and leather treated with Chemical Guys Leather Treatment. The leather looks awesome now!
- Engine Bay was cleaned.
- Tyres and trim treated with Chemical guys 0 New car dressing (Something like that)
The owner seemed quite happy.... My arms are ultra sore considering it was all done by hand

Here are the afters:

What you guys think? I think its ok seeing I only had 10 hours to work on the car...
All comments are welcome! :)