Ok I will be honest, being a part time web designer I feel I need to contribute!
First thing your attracting to is the "Welcome to Distinct Detailing" banner. Now you have less then 6 seconds to capture someone and keep them on your website so my maint suggestion here would be -
Remove the main top image with the golf on, replace this with the one mentioned above.
Next up is the Nav Bar, the colour isn't too bad, not my personal preference, but try a nice simple CSS3 nav bar, nice gradient on there with drop down menus. When I hit show rooms it leads to what can appear to be a blank page, either have this page and then large clickable icons to other pages or make it so it's options drop on hover of showroom. It took me a while to find the sub-navigation in all honesty.
If you are 100% commited to keeping that navigation bar then align the "Products" and "About Us" links to the center and remove and excess purple blocks.
When I did find them, I found them clunky with pictures and maybe a little less descriptive of what's happening, take a look at Mig's detailing blog posts on his website, look at the descriptions and see how each post is set out, some pictures aligned left, some right and then finals are all centered.
Some pages are aligned to the left, others are aligned to the center, you want to make sure all pages are in uniform and all match the same.
Once thing I do like is the font one each page such as this -

That's a nice touch, but I seriously don't see your main logo as a company identity.
Also on some pages you have images of text, it's sometimes better to type these and maybe create a DIV for quotes so it shows in a different format so you can instantly tell it's a quote of some sort.
Hope you don't feel I'm being out of order just I'm in that business and do a few corporate identity designs a month so I know how important it all is.
If you need any help then just ask me I will see what I can do ;)
Heres an example of a nice simple dropdown menu -
