I'd have no reservations about buying a RWD at all, also would be happy for Mrs Beddie to use it as her daily as she does now with the Golf

Imo it's a fallacy that RWD cars are inherently more dangerous than FWD/4WD, the only difference is in how the car behaves once approaching and when beyond the limit but if pushed past that point in a modern car then you'll likely stack it anyway and then it's just a case whether you go through the hedge backwards or forwards...
Just think of all the BMWs, Mercs, Jags etc that are driven every day by all types of drivers young old and inbetween, it's not as if the hedges of britain are full of wrecked rwd cars lol
Yeah RWD is tricky to the inexperienced when pushing the limit but i'm willing to bet that if you took the average 320d company car driver and asked him/her which are the driven wheels on their car they would probably say the front...
Besides our dads and grandads had no choice other than RWD and they managed to survive even without ESP/TCS/DCT, you just man steered your capri, escort or rover sd1 on your cross ply tyres and got on with it