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Author Topic: 2008 Mk5 Tdi 14,500 miles for £9,650 good price?  (Read 809 times)

Offline beaumontayy

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2008 Mk5 Tdi 14,500 miles for £9,650 good price?
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:01:42 pm »
Currently looking for a Golf!

Found one from a main dealer, its just a tdi s not a gt or anything special.

Its done a genuine 14,500 with a single lady owner prior..

Its advertised for £9,650, which I thought sounds quite good for a main dealer low milage car!

Any advice would be great, if it was a classic bug (current daily) I would have no worries, but I don't know golfs so well!

Thanks in advance  :happy2:

Offline GolfGIT

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Re: 2008 Mk5 Tdi 14,500 miles for £9,650 good price?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 09:31:47 am »
If you'd seen how my (honorary) mother in law drives her Polo, you wouldn't give too much credence to the 'single lady owner' spiel.
Given how every forward or backwards manoeuvre seems to be carried out with the engine at 5k rpm, I can only assume that she has launch control in 1st + reverse gears!
She would have fitted more than 100k miles of wear into that genuine 14.5k.
When I was looking for my car, there seemed to be quite a wide price range for similar spec + mileage cars in the main dealer network, so carry out plenty of searches + comparisons to get a feel for prices...and be prepared to travel - I live in Bath, but bought my car in Nuneaton.
Mind you, given the car values quoted on this site nowadays, it looks like I've still lost a lot of money due to depreciation in the last 7 months - Gulp!  :scared:
2014 Mk7 GTI, 5 dr, manual, tornado red, performance pack,
19" santiago's.

Offline beaumontayy

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Re: 2008 Mk5 Tdi 14,500 miles for £9,650 good price?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 11:48:08 pm »
Ahahaa  :grin:

Very fair point, thinking of my own grandmother, her car would be more at home on a banger racing track due to the amount of scrapes and bumps it has on it! Maybe a higher milage car with a FSH etc would be better..? Also if she'd of been doing short journeys, that wouldn't be so good for the diesel as they like a good run..

I agree with your comment about searching far and wide, I live in Colchester, Essex, but am looking nationally trying to find the right car!

Interesting what you're saying about depreciation, I've always thought Golfs were pretty good at not deprecating too quickly, but obviously I think wrongly   :signLOL:

This ones sold now anyway, so the search continues!