Just sold my stage 2+ GTi and bought a 2010 S3 4 days ago. What a car!!!!

The s-tronic is phenomenal and would deffo recommend it. Apparently it works a lot better than the old DSG box, I've spoken to people that have driven both. I waited to find a fully loaded example which are hard to come by, the only thing she doesn't have is the tyre pressure monitor. Coming from a fully loaded GTi I couldn't warrant spending twice the amount of money and not even getting auto lights and rain sensing wipers

Makes you think what the hell was going through the buyers head when speccing up the car, I mean if you're going to spend close on 40K for a new car what's an extra £200 for the comfort pack

Going down to Awesome next week to go straight to stage 2+ can't wait

Big thanks to GazbutS3 for assisting me on my wheel spacer questions

Gaz, I'll call u later mate