Nice shots of the Pirelli there, agree with the square reg, would look better normally positioned with a rectangular plate, maybe shortened or smaller version like Greenouses to still show off the carbon fibre front behind.
Your mate needs lots of practice, im a complete amature at taking pics, but thats the sort of standard i'd get on my own!.Nice write up at the start
"thats the sort of standard i'd get on my own" ................ naaaaaaaah! I assume you're talking about being able to take different angles of your car? Luckily I took the opp to glance at your recent pics, a la here: page 2 for the unknowing!
The focus on the pebbles is brilliant from a geographical perspective, and the lack of compensation for the light is impressive!

This photo unfortunately has no perspective in which to view the car given the dodgy angle, and also has the problem of having the entire photo in focus thereby highlighting no particular part of the entire picture.

Again the pebbles are nice, if I was on a beach. Luckily though the sun completely drowns the car. I know what your trying to do, some sort of Michael Bay lens flare, however on this occassion its an epic fail.

Nice use of shrubbery and the focus on it, the choice of scenery is also appealing...

To conclude, it is apparent that you do not get that standard on your todd. Theres no way you can take a photo with your digital camera and think it looks as good as one taken with an SLR, 2 independant flashes and a sh!t load more knowledge!
I guess in the end I shouldn't have really bothered to take the time and effort for all this, thinking people might actually like them, and instead all I get is a load of comments about how gash everything looks, how they weren't taken by David Bailey and how apparently (although obv not the case) everyone else can do better. Yeh, blah blah people have their own opinion, christ i read that enough, and this is a forum where people should type what they think. Iv had plenty of negative thoughts of my own with regards to past threads, ideas etc, but unless someone specifically asks for it I don't tend tell them coz they aren't asking to be lambasted. Well now i'll be piping up with what I think, woooooooooooooooooops!