Does anyone know if it is possible to active the mainbeam or highbeam lights as DRL's again just set at 10% power? i.e. MK6 look
I personally think this would look much better than fog lights.
It's certainly not easy to do mate and I've not seen it done with VCDS or anything similar on a MK5.
I have seen it done on a Mk4 .:R32 - the guy used some kind of BMW headlight component which ran the high beam bulbs at 50% of their brightness. I don't know what the legalities are around it and whether it would pass an MOT. How likely it is you can do the same to a MK5 and what you'd need and need to do however, I've no idea either...
That's a look I've wanted for a long time but after all my research, it didn't look a feasible option unfortunately fella