General > Photography Section
Iphone 4s Vs DSLR
Not bad at all :congrats: :congrats:
I have to agree, it is a brilliant camera!
Interesting you should post this up.... i almost started a thread with the exact same title last night.
December Sunset by Rich Wigley, on Flickr
Interesting comparison but it all depends what you want to achieve with your photography (and how deep your pockets are).
Cameras in phones are all designed to satisfy people who are primarily interested in just the subject (for example, their best mate misbehavin'?) and don't have a clue about what potential photography has as an artform. They're snapshot cameras for average consumers just to record an event. Of course a good photographer can get the best out of one but the camera is limited, just as a compact digital has limitations when compared with a professional DSLR.
The best camera is the one you`ve got on you at the time.. :)
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