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Author Topic: Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!  (Read 1188 times)

Offline simmonds87

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Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:16:49 am »

Wow! im impressed! :driver:
I've tried to use the search but its a mission to find what im looking for!

Few little things that if I dont fix will drive me crazy......

The little blanking plate shown here.... (for the wires for the seats)
(borrowed the pic  :wink: )
They come off everytime I move the seats back and forth... (it's a 3 door) - is this a comman thing? fixed with being replaced for new?
Should I use the same partnumber? or is there an upgraded version?

Oil cap is broken....  same question here same part number or is there a new version?

The passenger seat seems to be faulty, when you fold it down it doesnt move forward to let the people in the back out..  :stupid:
(the drivers is a little 'sticky' with its movement too) - Easy fix? another trip to VW for parts? (part numbers?)

Think I want to upgrade to the RNS510 radio (or similar, not bothered about satnav.. but want ipod control) - Is it a simple plug and play? is Vagcom only need if I want bluetooth too?
- I dont have steering wheel controls, is this a problem?

Think thats all for now  :happy2:
Sorry for the many questions! lol

Offline Betty02

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Re: Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2011, 12:11:32 pm »
They come off everytime I move the seats back and forth... (it's a 3 door) - is this a comman thing? fixed with being replaced for new?
Should I use the same partnumber? or is there an upgraded version? My ex's 1.6 did this, stuck my GTi ones on they never popped off, so guessing a new should fix it, plus the PN should be the same

Oil cap is broken....  same question here same part number or is there a new version? Can buy an Audi R8 one of ebay for around £25 (think it's cheaper then a standard one too) Here's the one I have Clicky!

The passenger seat seems to be faulty, when you fold it down it doesnt move forward to let the people in the back out..  stupid
(the drivers is a little 'sticky' with its movement too) - Easy fix? another trip to VW for parts? (part numbers?) Common fault, I read a guide on here how to fix it and the next day mine broke! The part from VW was around 30-40p and took me roughly 10 minutes to do it, my drivers side is clunky so i tightened up the tensioner on that one and it was absolutely fine! The guide can be found Here! ;) [/b]

Think I want to upgrade to the RNS510 radio (or similar, not bothered about satnav.. but want ipod control) - Is it a simple plug and play? is Vagcom only need if I want bluetooth too?
- I dont have steering wheel controls, is this a problem? Depends on what CANbus you have, if your upgrading you have the year car you do will probably need an uprated one of them too, there's plenty members on here who can supply everything, fit it for a few beers and get the coding done too ;)

Hope all these help! If you need further assistance probably best posting in each individual section ;)

Welcome to the forums, keep your wallet close to hand - You will need it :D

« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 12:13:24 pm by Betty02 »
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Offline simmonds87

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Re: Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2011, 04:51:49 pm »
Cheers!!!!!! :happy2:

Offline MK4CRAIG

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Re: Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2011, 07:27:43 pm »
Are those seats cream?

Offline Weston

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Re: Hello! Just bought me a 2006 MK5 Gti!
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2011, 04:34:50 pm »
Welcome along  :happy2:
GTI going...