Was driving to thetford about 13 years back and saw about 7 Chinooks (Im sure they were chinooks as they each had some sort of Tank attached to them as they were flying about around thetford forest), there was also loads of smaller helicopters and some vehicles buzzing round, I pulled over in a layby to have a watch of them (and to eat my lunch at same time) and was there about 10 mins when a US Military jeep pulled up and asked me to move on!!. I told him I was on a UK public road and having paid my road tax was able to sit there all day long and told him to go bother someone else

He tried saying that I was "attempting to gain intel on US military training operations", I cant remeber what i said after i finished laughing, probably something like "I think you have been watching too many spy films mate". Anyhow he sat there in that layby with me for another 20 minutes before i set off again, he then started following me

, so I pulled over again, lit a ciggie and got my paper out

sat there for 10 mins before I got bored and got on my way again, seriously that guy needed to chill out

I must have one of those faces lol, I always get hassled, got strip searched in geneva airport on a Ski trip (52 of us in the group and I was the one they picked out!) and 8 years later, I also got searched at reykjavik airport in Iceland and got asked why I was visiting the country?, my answer was quite short and sweet and prretty much ended the questioning "I am here visiting my son!", I alsogot pulled into customs/immigration office at Dubai airport as the Arab chap claimed I was using a stolen passport as i clearly did not look english enough to him (I was to be fair living in singapore and just taken a 3 week holiday and had a pretty good tan and was actually at the time darker skinned than the customs chap and was also sporting a goatee beard (dont ask!) so I guess I did not exactly look like a Pasty englishman