Well had a bit of spare time. Took something out of the front, and smashed it in the back................

I made a strong stainless tray myself, getting me welding eye back in

, and bought some transit tie down rings from the bay, which are secured on the 4 bolts that are securing the tray to the boot floor.
Fused with 150 amp Mega fuse near the battery and also at the starter end (standard Renault fuse), and made a bulkhead through connector myself.
Lashed down using some straps from the bay, with a 900KG breaking strain, and a really strong cam lock fastener, they are f'in tight! The battery is going nowhere!
The whole thing is bolted using HT 7/16 UNF bolts and 4 x Harness 3" square stress plates. I was thinking about a race battery, but wanted to be able to leave it outside without a trickle charger plugged in. So used the std battery.

^^^^Stress Plate

^^^^Bulkhead through connector with lots of wax. waiting for the Rubber cover to arrive! Should have been here friday!!

^^^^^Battery in tray with lashing straps. Catches are tucked behind, so as to stop inadvertent unlocking.

^^^^^Engine bay looking far more open............

^^^^^ needs a bit of a clean up, The red stuff is heat resistant sealant, which has gone off. Just need to get upside down and clean to off.