In terms of all out performance, your going to struggle to beat Gtechniq. They need to be absolutely spotless plus you'd need to hand polish then IPA wipedown after doing all your cleaning. thats just standard practise for any Gtech product.
The others mentioned won't last half as long. Ive gotta be brutally honest, i really don't like PB wheel sealant, i just don't think its anywhere near as robust enough for areas such as wheels.
With Gtechniq C5 you can comfortably not wash the wheels for 2 months and still clean them up like new with just shampoo.
Maxitrol mentioned earlier he uses bilberry and they come up like new. Bilberry even though they advertise it as acid free is still pretty strong on the alkaline end of things, so thats A) doing quite a lot of cleaning and B) stripping your sealant no doubt. Its not that bilberry is a bad product, its just that its not something you should have to use with a good wheel sealant. You either use a wheel sealant or a wheel cleaner if you know where I'm coming from.
I say you use either or, because most wheel sealants don't live up to expectations and need wheel cleaners then your back to square one. Gtechniq bucks the trend with this though, its very good!