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Forum Rolling Road day @ Superchips 6th June 2009
--- Quote from: Top Cat on May 02, 2009, 10:47:21 pm ---Just to make it clear about this meeting.
It is primarily a forum meeting to have a chat and a nose around each other's cars. The rolling road side of it is just a side event.
Now that all the places on the rolling road are filled please dont think that its not worth attending.
It would be great if we could get lots more of our members down their making it an even better day. Please try and find the time to attend. :jumpmove: :jumpmove: :jumpmove:
--- End quote ---
yes sir! :mad: lol :chicken: :grouphug:
--- Quote from: Top Cat on May 02, 2009, 10:47:21 pm ---
It would be great if we could get lots more of our members down their making it an even better day. Please try and find the time to attend.
--- End quote ---
....32 members so far and with still a over a month to go, is a pretty good turn out methinks. Quality over Quantity.
can somebody please bring vagcome? i could do with my rear washer turning off and rear wiper not functanal. :smiley:
I cant waiiit to come - be awesome to meet u guys en chat. :jumping: :jumping: :party:
VW Golf mk5s meetup - sounds awesome to be part of a group :drinking:
Yes i understand what a Dyno is =) - thanks :ashamed:
Does anyone know where i can my wheels alligned then ? - because my car is low, you can't do it with a simple tool if this makes sense ? :smiley:
160 miles away from me, see how I feel the day before, would like my car to be in the group shot of 30 odd cars.
Front cover for 2010 calender me thinks.
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