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Forum Rolling Road day @ Superchips 6th June 2009

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--- Quote from: markymark on June 09, 2009, 10:18:08 am ---Mine was second on the dyno and achieved 276  :smiley:

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Which was roughly in-line with the other Stage 2 cars such as Robin and TC yes -who also ran early on?

Is yours stage 2 Mark?


--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on June 09, 2009, 10:27:48 am ---
--- Quote from: markymark on June 09, 2009, 10:18:08 am ---Mine was second on the dyno and achieved 276  :smiley:

--- End quote ---

Which was roughly in-line with the other Stage 2 cars such as Robin and TC yes -who also ran early on?

Is yours stage 2 Mark?

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It is yes and you are correct mine came out the same as the Cats! :happy2:

your wheel power is 100bhp down on your fly? is this normal?  :confused:

ive just requested mine to compare  :smiley:

I'm sure I ran mine at about half 9 or so and that made 230 standard. Then Ben 'the wheel man' ran his about an hour or so later and that made 215 off the top of my head so I don't think the time comes into play with the results.

The one thing that I'm more happy about is that the power curves match up perfectly with what they should be so as far as I'm concerned theres no issues = Tuning commences  :laugh:



--- Quote from: snapey on June 09, 2009, 10:37:01 am ---I'm sure I ran mine at about half 9 or so and that made 230 standard. Then Ben 'the wheel man' ran his about an hour or so later and that made 215 off the top of my head so I don't think the time comes into play with the results.

The one thing that I'm more happy about is that the power curves match up perfectly with what they should be so as far as I'm concerned theres no issues = Tuning commences  :laugh:


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Exactly - the great thing about rolling roading your car standard is that you can see that it is running healthily as a basis for your future mods!

Yeah as you say... I had a feeling that some GTI's that ran early on were also producing high figures - maybe more cars towards the end were exhibiting higher figures than those early on.... We'll wait and see when all the results /graphs get published I guess!  :smiley:


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