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Forum Rolling Road day @ Superchips 6th June 2009

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--- Quote from: JPC on June 09, 2009, 10:07:06 am ---i can completely understand caz's car being over, the diesels almost always are over by a good 10%

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...i didnt expect it to be high anyways as he's not running right.. but still, stop being a meany! lol  :P

what was your bhp?

jay got 190  :smiley:

My wheel power was 218.2 and intake temp was 32!


LOL, now I'm getting worried!!


--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on June 09, 2009, 12:46:38 pm ---^^^

LOL, now I'm getting worried!!

--- End quote ---

its very strange?! your intake temp is far too high imo  :confused:


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