Well I was happy enough with my 305Bhp untill I took the possible 10% increase into consideration and thought I was down on power.
I was passing Bedford yesterday a popped into The TT Shop, they plugged in a laptop and took it for a spin and sure enought it was showing 277Bhp to 280Bhp, almost exactly what you guys have been saying.
They just happend to have an uprated HPFP on the shelf so had it installed with the REVO stage 2+ software (well it would be rude not to).
They took it for another couple of runs and it is now showing a healthy 336Bhp

haven't had a chance to play myself as its been pissing down since.
Just out of interest I may pop back to Superchips RR for a run, its possible that it could show 370Bhp

At the end of the day its how your car drives and wether your happy with it that is important, but it is hard not to get caught up in the numbers thing.
Looking forward to the strip at Brunters hoping to better my 13.8 now.