After being fine for nearly a month it's done it again

I've done about 500miles without it happening but the light has just came on again. I had been driving through town nice and quietly for about 10miles. I was getting nearer home out of town and was turning out of a road end. I accelerated hard in 1st and 2nd gears (manual mode) then reached 60 and cruised along behind a van. About half a mile later the light came on for the first time since I got the car back. I pulled over and turned the engine off and back on, drove for another half a mile and it came on again. I did the same again and made it home.
Nick from r tech posted he had the same problem with a gti,it turned out to be the oil pick up in the sump was full of gunge
I've just spoke to my mate who was a VW mechanic for 9 years to see if he had any ideas, he seems to think it will be the strainer in the oil feed pipe getting blocked, preventing enough oil being sucked up by the pump when the car is under load.
Think I'm going to have to get it booked it at the dealers and get the sump off and see if there is anything obvious. By the way, It was serviced 4,000 miles ago
Anyone else have any ideas as to what it could be, I was booked in for a Stage 2 Map a week on Saturday but it looks as thougim going to have to cancel that
