All very good suggestions up above, the HRE wheels are like telephone number pricing though haha.. And not especially light, those Volk wheels are again very nice but they dont do a 17" in our fitment. The Work full carbon wheels are amazing, but I know for sure Im not going to spend that much, and there only a prototype at the min as far as I know.
Looks - Compomotives
Sense - Speedlines
I think you've gotta go forged or high Mg content if you're going super-light, sadly due to the state of our roads. They stopped making the superlegs because they just fell apart when potholed.
What wheels are on Mike Kurton's 'Rocco race car??
Speedlines only available if you buy 10 sets haha! Erm.. Group buy anyone lol??

The Scirocco uses some wheels I have never heard of before, they look cool but they are 18x9 and a low offset too, don't know what type of weight they are..
you should keep the TD's for santa pod and put some nice BBS on there for the summer
you know you want to 
Lol, so your saying I should get a set of heavy 19" bling wheels! haha.. Get outtt!
OZ Alggerrita for me 
I was set on the Alleggerita's until I saw a set the other day, they just look cheap.. Honestly, thats the only thing that puts me off.. They look really cheap, and there bloody expensive haha..
Just spoken to the guys at Compomotive and the wheels are £190 each and come in at approx 10kg.. Really not sure what to do, the problem with the Compomotive wheels is that there built for rallying, so they are not the lightest, but there incredibly strong! Hmm..