@ sub39h is the handling really worse? The GTI to me felt amazing Im still amazed and only now can do I understand why all my fave car mags and shows where in love with the GTI. Is the ed30 really that different to drive to standard GTI. What sort of springs would I have to get would they be just springs or full on coilovers? Also I hear the k03 is a detuned engine is that what makes it so priceless?
@ Nodz. Thank you think I'll have to let head rule over my heart.

Thanks for the link as well. Ill save that.
@ leslanos I did check the website. I knew where to find the date, myself, my friend and the dealer all agreed that the date taken was the correct one to use.....we the confirmed this on the website. I definitely haven't made I mistake on this as it isn't my first time of doing this. I tried every date on the form to be 100% certain. Thanks for concern
@ bacillus I couldn't agree more. Too many things. I mean he was trying to rush me and my friend. He told us we only had 15mins on arrival to buy the car. Later he had another hour as his "flight" wasn't till an hour later than he thought!
@ QD I'll have to wait till tuesday till ring HPI company. On speaking to friends they agreed that the HPI company can be slow. Time will tell. I really am curious to know.
@ MAT ED30 so there are no suspension differences between the ed30 and GTi?
@ E30DOM looking like I'll walk away to many things are just not right...what personally out of interest makes an ED30 more waiting for?
@ Greeners what in the specification makes the ed30 more desirable over a GTI? I heard the ed30 has more lag is this true?
@WhiteGTI my friend

must say when you put it that way almost seems like a no bailer to get ed30.
@ SteveP Im now confused so your saying ed30 has suspension as good as standard GTI? Or that the ed30 isn't worth the premium?
Thanks for all the comments! I'll keep you posted! I think its safe to sat that the general consensus is walk away and get an Eddy.