Here are some pics of my car. A little dirty thanks to the roads, but with Christmas, haven't had a chance to clean it and don't like anybody else doing it.

It's a pretty comprehensive spec as you can see. Couldn't believe the mileage when I saw it. I was actually looking for a diesel with the miles I do, but couldn't pass this one up. I do miss my M3, but this should be good, am enjoying the smoothness of the engine with the DSG at the moment and the ride is very comfortable and smooth. Hopefully get better economy with this one too, but so far am not that impressed, I expected better. It's not far off my M when I drove her sensibly.
It does need a good detailing which I will do in the Spring, but otherwise as you would expect, in excellent nick.
I am busy looking into upgrading the MFD2 to the RNS 510 and ripping out the present BT module in there and replacing with a newer one. I have already bought myself a MFSW with DSG paddles, just need to get the harness and the Highline steering controller now, so if anybody has one or knows where to get them, please let me know. In the future, I will definitely be getting the windows tinted and not sure what else, I guess I see how it goes.