When I was away for my holidays 17th through to 24th December, I left my car outside my own house but my keys were left at my mates house 3 miles away, if they broke in they would find an empty house (pretty much just a bed in there) as I only use it for a weekend crash pad which gets used around 5 times per year, the rest of the time I live at my parents summer house in sunny Norfolk.
Hate the thought of thieving scum in your house while you sleep, i cant say what i would do if i woke up to that! 
Is this a wind up post? 
Aren't you a privileged one. 
Not exactly privelidged, I live in their summer house as I run the family business (Which is based in Norfolk, hence necessity rather than a choice!) while they are away enjoying their semi-retirement.
Oh and for the funny guy who mentioned Verbier (Parker), I have never been! I dont do pretentious resorts, try to avoid as best I can, I prefer fun resorts with good snowboarding and sensible prices (hopefully meaning I can go twice a year!).
Now chaps rather than taking a stab at me, back on point eh?!