been a while since i updated this and have changed a few things so thought id fire some pics up.
first big change is the brakes, since going stage 2 i found the standard brakes were ok if you didnt get yourself in trouble but i wanted more so i settled on the nqsbbk kit and started collecting bits. i bought some boxster 986 calipers off ebay, ground down the pad pegs and refurbed them in red with new stickers, got a fitting kit off daveb and put them on with grooved mtec discs and mintex m1144 pads which are bedding in nicely!

there pretty snug behind the standard pescara but with a 5mm spacer alls good!!

first impressions are awesome, my standard brakes were hardly dead but these are brilliant, perfect bite and pedal feel and not even bedded in yet, plus they look awesome in the sun. i also treat the rear to the same discs and mintex m1144 pads while i was at it

on the look out for new wheels for summer at the mo and quite liking these

8.5" et 45 fronts and 9.5" et43 rears