Hi All
Hope someone can help me with a problem that’s occurred after having the car remapped with Revo Stage 1. The car has been remapped for over a month with no issues. However the other day when I put me foot down on the gas (hard may I add) the check coolant warning came up on the dashboard. I immediately pulled over to find all the coolant in the tank gone and leaking out from the hose next to the radiator and all one side of the engine.
I've provided pictures and circled the part:

Some how the hose worked itself off the radiator and coolant was leaking everywhere. I re-attached this and filled coolant tank back up. Everything seemed OK. Temperature gauge remained on 90. A one off I hoped! But nope again today after putting the foot down and revving towards the redline it happened again! Check coolant light came on again, opened boot, all coolant gone and all over the engine! However this time the hose wasn’t loose!?
Any ideas guys?, I pray it’s not an expensive fix! Seems OK if I drive it normally without revving it hard? When I had the map tweaked at Awesome the timing had to be set to 2 which is apparent very low for the car even while running Shell V Power, could this be the reason why?