Why the hell can't people be more careful when they get out of cars to make sure the door does not smash into MY BEAUTIFUL CAR!!!!
I've had to come to terms with the facts. A nice car is, when parked at a shopping centre/supermarket, an irresistible pensioner-magnet. It draws, inexorably, gold Nissan Micras toward it like a black hole. I wish the boffins would spend less time looking for Higgs Bosons & devote more effort to developing a wrinkly-repellant to spray onto cars.
After the rage has passed, it's worth trying to remember that as long as the paint hasn't been broken, most good dent repair guys can work absolute wonders. If you don't know who to go to in your area, I suggest you phone your local bodyshop of choice. These guys use dent repairs guys all the time. They will know who the good ones are, and who to avoid.
It will fix. But going out to your pride & joy to find your eyes drawn to what some thoughtless maggot did to it isn't easy. I hope you get it sorted soon.