General > Old Event Details
Photo's From JKM Rolling Road day 18th April.
--- Quote from: DomT on April 18, 2009, 07:55:18 pm ---Thanks Steve - just out of interest - where can I get the window forum decals from - have done a quick search on the forum and can't find anything...
was an interesting drive back - 3 broken down cars causing problems in lane 1, 2 big bread crates in the road plus half an exhaust :scared:
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Phil Mcavity:
--- Quote from: DomT on April 18, 2009, 07:55:18 pm ---plus half an exhaust :scared:
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That'll be Stokeballon (dave) up to his old tricks. :laugh:
If you pm any of the mods in here, they will send you in the right direction Dom :happy2:
edit: cheers Nath :happy2:
Poppa Dom:
Yeah got the link - thanks Greenouse - Am sure I saw some smaller than 20cm on cars today, If I want to order something a little more discrete - 120mm x 30mm do I just specify when ordering. Looks like it only accepts a generic order for the large size.
--- Quote from: DomT on April 18, 2009, 08:58:04 pm ---Yeah got the link - thanks Greenouse - Am sure I saw some smaller than 20cm on cars today, If I want to order something a little more discrete - 120mm x 30mm do I just specify when ordering. Looks like it only accepts a generic order for the large size.
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If you pay him by paypal just put on note on the payment with your specific measurements. :happy2:
Some great pics in this thread :happy2: 8) :happy2:. Some hysterically funny too :laugh:
It was a particularly nice meet - Some very familiar faces plus some new ones and a very friendly atmosphere (doubtless induced by the Bourbons).
Good to chat 'properly' with you Claire & Gary - Always only very brief in the past.
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