Hi All!
After what seems like a long time I have finally got round to putting some much anticipated photos up of my car! Thanks to everyone for putting up with my hundreds of questions before I got it, not least WhiteGTI along with some help he gave me along the way with the mirror indicator lenses, badge and grill!
Having now done 1000miles I can safely say it is incredible! I’m sure this doesn’t come as a surprise but just how good it is was a surprise to me. I love the amount of power available and it really lets you enjoy driving with it being so effortless. Xenons are amazing and really set the front of the car off! Sometimes I find that there isn’t as much power available as I usually think there is (yes the engine is always warm etc) but then sometimes there’s loads, weird! Other than that I can’t really fault it! I had a slight mare the other day and made a small scratch in the front near side alloy parking it, but it is barely noticeable! On delivery it had a small chip in the passenger door crease, didn’t notice it on inspection. They took it back a week later and sorted it without ruining the rest of the car as some have found! Phewww!
As you can see iv got the square plate on, looks really good, more so in real life as iv had to remove my registration but those of you going to the November meet will see it in all its glory! Unfortunately on photo day I hadn’t got round to permanently attaching the OSIR carbon mask so in some pics it is on, some it is off, but that is a permanent feature!
My only thing to do to finish it off is to get an full turbo back APR exhaust and carbonio after Christmas sometime. Having done that I will be pretty much finished (maybe a remap come insurance time

Anyway take a look n let me know what you think! Me and Chris (WhiteGTI) took them this morning so thats his white golf in the melee too!
Sorry iv not been around so much, but changed jobs but I often look in even if I don’t comment! I look forward to seeing some of you at the end of November!
Cheers, Paul.
PS (I hope this photo stuff works, sorry if theres loads but I can’t help myself!)