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Author Topic: Alarm Playing Up  (Read 557 times)

Offline Nodz

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Alarm Playing Up
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:07:52 pm »
Yesterday I looked out the window and saw my indicators going but I didn't here the horn going off which you would've expected, keys were on the side so I haven't pressed anything but we did have an extremely heavy downpour so I thought that could've set it off. Anyways popped outside and had a look and all seemed in order, so unlocked and relocked the car.

When I done this I noticed that the LED flashed quickly then stayed solid for 30 seconds and then went to its normal flash every couple of seconds. Before this it used to flash quickly for a couple of seconds and then goes to its usual flash every couple of seconds.

Jumped in the car today and locked myself in and waited for it to set and waved my arms like a mad man and the alarm went off like normal so not quite sure whats going on.

The only other time the LED done this was when the battery kept dying but has been fine since.

Any ideas anyone??
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 08:09:53 pm by Nodz »

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Re: Alarm Playing Up
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 10:30:01 pm »
The backup battery on your siren will most likely be dying, thus setting off the sounder sporadically.

I had it not long ago, it was going off at all times, more and more often, until it died completely.

You can confirm this in VCDS by seeing the most recent alarm triggers.
Used to have Edition 30 - number 009 and a GT TDI 140.
Now have an S4 B8 Avant (stage 2)