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Author Topic: Quaife Differential group buy. Now going ahead!!  (Read 11287 times)

Offline Bernhard30

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2012, 06:35:16 pm »
Is this still in the planning stage and still likely to go ahead, subject to costings of course.

Was just wondering..

Offline TT-Turbo

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2012, 10:48:37 pm »
Sorry I haven't updated this thread of recent.

Yes this is still in the planning stage, just talking to my contact at Quaife about what parts is needed and what discount I can arrange for various numbers. Looking pretty promising but the guys there at Quaife are extremely busy at the moment so hopefully will hear back from them for good this week. Will keep all updated.


Offline Gti_Mad

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2012, 04:13:18 pm »
i could b intrested price dependant for a DSG one plz

Had the ED30, but not got the balls.

Mk5 silver 5door Ed30 1707- now sold
Mk6 silver 3door Golf R- current

Offline TT-Turbo

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2012, 09:40:17 pm »
i could b intrested price dependant for a DSG one plz

OK I will put you down on the list and can go from there when I get some prices/Discounts. I would imagine on the DSG box you would make a massive saving as they retail about £930 normally! Cheers.

Offline TT-Turbo

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2012, 09:42:22 pm »
So the current list stands as this;

The list:
1. TT-Turbo - Manual
2. Edition_30_P - Manual
3. Kregiel GTI - Manual
4. Syrag64 - Manual
5. James - Manual
6. Bernhard30 - Manual
7. Been-0 - Manual -TDI 140
8. Gti_Mad- DSG

If anyone else is interested then let me know so I can get a rough gauge of people and better idea of what discount we can get. Cheers.

Offline GarethB

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2012, 06:26:17 pm »
I'd be interested in a manual GTI diff (depending on the discount involved)  :happy2:

As, i'm local to both their gillingham and sevenoaks facilities (through home & work), are you aware if quaife offer an installation service???

cheers for taking the time to sort this for the forum  :happy2:

Offline fab5freddy

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2012, 06:55:53 pm »
I'm interested in this also, price dependant  :happy2:

Throw me on the list please, manual gti

Offline TT-Turbo

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2012, 11:06:44 pm »
Cheers Guys for all the interest. It is taking a little bit of time to sort this out but want to get all the details sorted before I go ahead and put this up as a Group buy. Up to 10 people now which is great! Obviously this is price dependant but would be looking around the 20% mark discount to make this really worth while so the more numbers the better. Thanks all!  :happy2:

I'd be interested in a manual GTI diff (depending on the discount involved)  :happy2:

As, i'm local to both their gillingham and sevenoaks facilities (through home & work), are you aware if quaife offer an installation service???

cheers for taking the time to sort this for the forum  :happy2:

I'm not 100% sure if they offer a fitting service on the differentials. I will ask as this may be a good option for some if all goes to plan. I've been looking to getting a decent upgraded diff for some time and this could be a great opportunity for all to a good price so more than happy to push this forward  :smiley:


The list:
1. TT-Turbo - Manual
2. Edition_30_P - Manual
3. Kregiel GTI - Manual
4. Syrag64 - Manual
5. James - Manual
6. Bernhard30 - Manual
7. Been-0 - Manual -TDI 140
8. Gti_Mad- DSG
9. GarethB - Manual
10. fab5freddy- Manual

Offline fab5freddy

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2012, 12:07:01 am »
Any updates on this Dan  :innocent:

Offline TT-Turbo

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Re: Quaife Differential group buy
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2012, 02:33:09 pm »
Any updates on this Dan  :innocent:

Sorry about the delay, only just got back from France this morning and haven't had a chance to get on the forum.

Yes this is all good to go now. Quaife have confirmed for 5 numbers that they will offer a 20% discount off the differentials+ postage and then postage for me to send them out. The manual gearbox differential does not include the bolts needed for the fitting of the crownwheel but am currently looking at getting a bulk amount from ARP in the states and with any luck can get them for a reasonable amount. The DSG GBOX on the other hand does include the bolts that are needed for installation.

Normal price for Manual Gearbox Differential (QDF16R)= £714 including VAT
Group Buy Price= £595 including VAT + postage.

Normal price for DSG gearbox differential (QDF19R)= £948
Group Buy Price= £790 including VAT + postage.

How this will work is I will order all and pay for all through my own company then I can send all out myself. Quaife won't send differentials out separately. I can charge VAT through my company also so anyone can potentially claim back some VAT if needed. I will need full payment for the differential before I place the order. Postage hasn't yet been fully worked out as I will get courier to get all the diff's at once but will then have to courier each out individually which is fine with me. I would imagine postage will be around £20-30 but will confirm this.

Quaife do offer an installation service but it is worth double checking with your specific application on pricing. I would imagine you could get the same fitting service for potentially cheaper by going with another garage that knows the MK5 gbox platform (APS for example).

I have emailed ARP to ask about a bulk buy on the bolts for the differential which should save us some money. Also that will be going through my company as they may not be willing otherwise to deal with a single person.

I have got the discount rate based on 5 differentials as even though we have 10 I feel not everyone will want to go ahead. If we are getting towards near 10 firm numbers then I can get another discount rate, but will imagine it would be around another 5%.

This is the current list of names that I have. Could you let me know if you are committed to this group buy now that I have the discount rate.

The list:
1. TT-Turbo - Manual -Committed
2. Edition_30_P - Manual
3. Kregiel GTI - Manual
4. Syrag64 - Manual
5. James - Manual
6. Bernhard30 - Manual
7. Been-0 - Manual -TDI 140
8. Gti_Mad- DSG
9. GarethB - Manual
10. fab5freddy- Manual

Cheers all,

Also feel free to let other know of this on different forums so we can really get this GB going!

If you could reply on the GB thread I have posted up then we can make things a bit easier to follow  :happy2:,43210.msg502495.html#new
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 02:40:46 pm by TT-Turbo »