Howdo forumites

So I sold the .:R32 for a respectable amount, bought a discovery hse for mrs cherry...made me realise i was bored of my defender so sold for the first time since i was 17 i am now without a ride!

its been a few weeks now, i can use the disco if i need it but to be honest ive not missed the driving especially when i can get ferried around by others
part of the problem was i simply didnt know what to buy, nothing out their got my motoring juices flowing... the mrs even told me to buy a porsche... but no, just dont fancy it
until one night over xmas i was visited by three ghosts........
nah just kidding

so its time to go retro i think, something a bit more show than go with a gentle topping of marmite styling. So there i was well lubricated on crabbies ginger ale and mooching through youtube and rediscovered a video from agessssss ago
now decided i want a Bora

no idea why but i do
cheap.... easy to mod... and if i fettle it just right then they look pretty bang tidy
most of the cars are way ooop norf for me but when the right specimen surfaces i'll be acquiring it for some cherry flavoured tuning