Sorry to hear about this. I was nearly wiped out by an HGV about 8 years ago, going round a roundabout just off the M1. He removed the rear wheel of the mk4 Golf I had at the time with his fully-laden truck and tried to push me round a roundabout in front of him. My car looked as though someone had had a giant tin-opener on it! It's not nice when it happens and can make you very wary of traffic when you next go driving (which isn't a bad thing with the numpties that are about these days!).
Anyway, the car was eventually fixed with its new back end after about 6 months (!) and you soon forget about it all. The main thing is to get to your doctors this morning and get yourself checked out properly - you'll probably be aching more in the next day or so. Whiplash can be a pain in the neck.

(sorry - terrible joke!).
As others have said, it makes you realise that your car, even though we all love them on here, is only a lump of metal and plastic and can easily be mended/replaced. We are flesh and bones and even with the wonders of modern medical techniques, there is still a limit to what we can fix.

Hope it's only bruises, etc and that you get it all sorted out without too much further stress.
Best wishes