Whsts your spec
K03 DSG Revo Stg-1, b8t5f9

Thought you had the super dooper new Revo stage 2+ 
Nope - just stg1, set as above.
Jim (?) suggested wastegate issues, and that I should check for a crack in the turbo housing near the wastegate. He also said he'd bet that if I logged boost target versus actual there would be discrepancy. I've checked and there isn't, and the N75 isn't ever hitting 100% except when spooling at low revs, so I don't think there is a wastegate problem.
revs requested actual
5400 1950 1920
5600 1890 1870
5840 1810 1830
6040 1730 1790
6240 1710 1740
6400 1720 1710
6560 1700 1700
6680 1050 1680
The car drives fine, so I'm inclined to ignore the dyno figures. Hell they theoretically make my insurance cheaper!

As a slight aside, I logged the g/s whilst on the dyno, and the car was consuming about 20g/s less than it does on the road.