Just arrived back. Tired but it was a fun day. Didn't get much sleep befause I knew I had to get up early. Managed two hours. Cruise down was awesome. Twinkletoes' pocket rocket sounds awesome. Keith's APR reminded me of TEFF's. Steve's car seemed to just chomp up the miles AND fuel

Thanks for the shortbread. Must place some orders around Xmas! Was great to see Greener's car in the flesh. He knows it was as dirty as mine but just didn't show it because of its silver colour.
Thanks to Robin for taking us to The Churchillian. Great place to go after JKM meets in future IMO. Sinnin' Steve turned up eventually.
Dwaine, good to see you and your mate. Lemme know how you get on with the detailing stuff.
Was absolutely shattered driving back and had to take a 15 min nap!
Also spotted another GTI that I didn't recognise.