General > Old Event Details
'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
mmm do i go again :driver: :rolleye:
--- Quote from: Greenouse on May 22, 2009, 04:42:08 pm ---^^^^^^^ :sad1:
Robin, looks like the hunt is on for a co-driver! :happy2:
--- End quote ---
....No co-driver - Just a passenger. Well, even that is uncertain because I might drive on to Geneva and come back to UK later.
What's all this "I'm not driving around it" BS?
It's a road, the traffic only goes in 1 direction and so long as you keep your eyes on your mirrors and understand the etiquette you can't go wrong. What makes anyone think that just because it is the the 'Ring you're going to automatically stuff it??
Go. Softly soak it up and drive it without worrying about times or other drivers. Just enjoy one of the greatest roads in the world, before H&S finally shut it down.
^^^^^^ WOW!
Am I wrong for PMSL at the guy falling out of his Beetle? :signLOL:
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