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Author Topic: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......  (Read 20112 times)

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #60 on: May 26, 2009, 02:30:23 pm »
Oh, just a note.

If you're coming back via the E40 to the ferry ports/chunnel, there's roadworks on the French/Belgian border Southbound and they're horrific. Save a bit of extra time to get through them, like 2 hours maybe.

Cheers Mike!  :happy2:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2009, 02:59:19 pm »
Oh, just a note.

If you're coming back via the E40 to the ferry ports/chunnel, there's roadworks on the French/Belgian border Southbound and they're horrific. Save a bit of extra time to get through them, like 2 hours maybe.

....Very helpful tip but isn't that a contradiction? We would be travelling northbound on the way back to the Chunnel.

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2009, 03:27:05 pm »
Eh, how is where the E40 crosses the Belgian border South of the Chunnel??

The usual route home from the 'Ring is up to Aachen, across Belgium and then down the E40 into France - so if you're coming home, you'll be heading down the Southbound (well, Southwestbound to be picky) carriageway, where the roadworks are.

Make sense??
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 03:42:13 pm by tony_danza »
Sideways yo!

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2009, 04:40:58 pm »
Yes, I've driven it a few times myself but I was interpreting your "southbound" as being much more 'north' is chunnelbound and 'south' is heading away from chunnel regardless of the compass directional twists and turns in the route. Heading to a north or south as a final destination.

It's clear now anyway - :happy2: :drinking:

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2009, 10:55:55 pm »

What's the scene re insurance? Is The 'Ring considered a race track or a public road by UK insurers?

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Offline MAT ED30

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #65 on: May 27, 2009, 08:21:47 am »
The ring is a toll road

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Offline JPC

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #66 on: May 27, 2009, 09:40:22 am »

What's the scene re insurance? Is The 'Ring considered a race track or a public road by UK insurers?

Ive been looking into this..

Most policies say they dont cover de-restricted toll road, which the ring is.

But the Ring is a public road so i guess you have to be covered 3rd party by the insurance. they will try and wriggle out of it but you will be covered at least 3rd party.

If you call your insurance company they will say "no" point blank, your average call centre staff are just not going to understand

Ive heard somewhere that do insurance for £60/day

some more of my findings

What I can say is that the normal public road driving laws apply on the 'Ring during the public sessions.
- The police will sometimes monitor speeds through the restricted sections and will give out tickets.
- Overtaking on the right is strictly forbidden and professional racers who have done thousands of laps on the NS have been taken to court if they have have been observed overtaking (even safely) on the right during a public session.
- You may not drive a car unless its tyres are road-legal and it has a valid registration plate (however, they disallow cars with dealer plates).
- Subject to the noise restriction (which may technically apply on all public roads - not sure), you may drive anything that's road-legal. To wit, there were pictures floating recently around of somebody (a Brit, as it happened) who has a, well, it's a sofa on wheels that's been SVA'd, and that was allowed on the NS for public lapping.
- If you are in a reportable accident (one involving more than one vehicle, or a personal injury) the police must attend, file a report, etc. At that time you are required to produce your ownership and insurance documents, as you would be on any public road, and if you fail to produce them you will have a problem, as you would on any public road.

All the above make the NS sound rather public, and certainly closer to being a public road than to being a race circuit like Brands or Hockenheim, where essentially none of the above applies.
If the insurer has said on the phone that the cover applies to "any roads", surely the NS is a road.

With regard to other claims that the insurer could avoid, if you damage Armco at the NS you are expected to pay for the repair. I don't think that such applies on normal public roads in either Germany or the UK.

So far as insurance is concerned, there is no substitute for telling the truth.

You see, if you cripple a 23 year old breadwinner with 2 small children, you are going to be facing a multi-million pound damages suit, and the insurance company will unleash their 600/hr QCs to wriggle out of paying. They will go over your car, proposal form and accident report with a microscope and your barrack room legalities will be as much protection as wet tissue paper. How do you feel about spending the rest of your life paying off the damages and legal fees?

(And in case you think this is theoretical, some 30 years ago, a friend of mine found herself on the end of a 250K damages suit after an accident. She lost. The insurance company paid.)

So, call your insurer and tell them you're going to the 'Ring. If you have to buy competition insurance, so be it.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 09:51:54 am by JPC »

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #67 on: May 27, 2009, 09:52:22 am »
some very interesting points being thrown around on this thread guys.,

Hope this helps!&mid=0

Offline tony_danza

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #68 on: May 27, 2009, 09:56:10 am »

What's the scene re insurance? Is The 'Ring considered a race track or a public road by UK insurers?

Super grey area, EU law says you've got 3rd party cover. On public days you are running on a German road covered by German laws, so your car has to be legal/insured... depends how much time and money you have to explore it in the event of a prang?

Have a read of this thread, it links to more.–%20Help!&mid=0

Lots of places do track insurance, most take their chances. I've used these before and they're decent people.

Sideways yo!

Offline MAT ED30

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #69 on: May 27, 2009, 10:00:20 am »
Never take insurance I just don't drive like I stole it LOL

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #70 on: May 27, 2009, 10:22:35 am »
The ombusman has ruled in favour of claiment for 3rd part damages in a few cases, fact. However, a condition is a gagging order to stop the floodgates opening... all basically down to the EU law. What people will tell you in person and what you find posted on the 'net are very different things.

You stuff your car though, you've got a lot more work trying getting anything back.

Again - balls, time and money.
Sideways yo!

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #71 on: May 27, 2009, 10:24:04 am »
Never take insurance I just don't drive like I stole it LOL

Im with Mat  :happy2:

Im not going there to set any lap records, just enjoy the experiance and soak up the atmosphere!

Offline RedRobin

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #72 on: May 27, 2009, 05:22:49 pm »

I'm very put off by the insurance aspects - The risks of an incident are far greater than everyday road driving and the hassle and costly inconvenience would be substantial even if it's not your fault. I know someone who had more than just armco to pay for at The 'Ring.

Consequently I won't be taking my car around The 'Ring.

Besides, I have a damaged SAMCO intercooler > turbo hose and can't get a replacement for 4 weeks.

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #73 on: May 28, 2009, 09:20:02 am »
It's good you know the full picture and can make a level headed decision, even if that means you say no. Plenty do. Rather than plough in trying to set records with no real understanding of the track or concequences... they're the people you see coming back on a low loader.

You've got to accept that although tricky to deal with the 3rd party aspect, it is valid through the EU parity laws on a public day.. but in the event of you stacking your own car, you're most likely paying for it yourself.

Take your helmet and get a few passenger laps, you never know, it might go quiet enough in the evening for you to be tempted for a potter around too. There's times I've not seen another car on there, so you'll feel much more at ease. Try avoiding going near the track after closures for half an hour or so too, others impatience causes problems and you can find yourself swamped and offline.

Take care out there, although it isn't anywhere as dangerous as you'd think if you keep your eyes peeled, speed down and learn where the dangerous/blind points are beforehand. its a very enjoyable bit of road, that's how I treat it, not as a race track.
Sideways yo!

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Re: 'Another' Ring Forum Trip.......
« Reply #74 on: May 28, 2009, 11:56:22 am »
Excellent advice, Mike :drinking: :happy2:

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