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Author Topic: any young parents with new borns with a MK5 golf, want to know if a Bugaboo fits  (Read 7950 times)

Offline celica

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any young parents with new borns with a MK5 golf, want to know if a Bugaboo Pram fits in the boot?


Offline MAT ED30

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I would think it would fit as we have a big maxi cosy pram and it fits fine.  You can take the car to mothercare when u get the car and try it first

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

Offline celica

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well if only i had a mk5 golf lol

something to bare in mind.

any pics of the maxi cosy pram in the boot? is it a tight fit, much room left for other stuff?


Offline celica

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which specific model have you got? i can try and base it on dimensions on that then

Offline MAT ED30

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Plenty of room for other stuff and the wheels just slide off so it can sit flat to floor and give u lots of room. I have had my boot with suitcases and types of stuff in there with the pram LOL so plenty of room

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

Offline neg

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I have a bugaboo and a 4 week old son!

Yes it fits in the Mk4 and Mk5 without removing the wheels too - although parcel shelf is lifted putting it in one way.  Base with carry cot on top fits, carry cot on the side facing back seats with base in behind on its side also fits.

This is with the carry cot base obviously with him being a new born.

god you find all sorts of info on these forums!  :drinking:

Offline celica

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thanks. wouldn't want to take wheels on and off at all times though, too much hassle

neg, does it fit flat to the floor at all, or does the base and carry cost have to fit on it's side?
do you lift out your parcel shelf, or does it just about fit with it on the side with the parcel shelf lifted alittle?

i was also debating about a r32 and the boot looses some inches due to the 4wd system and is almost flat to the lip of the opening, which would mean a definate parcel shelf out job

again pics would be appreciated

great, love forums ;-)

Offline 182_blue

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Do you have the baby yet ?, John Lewis will test the prams in your cars if you want to see if they fit

Offline celica

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Do you have the baby yet ?, John Lewis will test the prams in your cars if you want to see if they fit

due to join the club in August.

I'm in the middle of car hunting, and it will be the main car for the next 12 months most probably from now, hence thinking about other things too. dare i say it, i might forget the performance side of things and go sensible, like Qashqai.


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If you put the base in first then the carry cot on top the boot shuts but the parcel shelf just lifts a bit as you shut the boot - no problem though.

If you put the carry cot in first on its side pushed upto the back of the rear seat and the the base on its side then they both fit again no real problems.

I will get a pic next time its in the boot.  Not really hard to remove the wheels though anyway but like I said I dont bother.

Its great for controlling with one hand when out and about.

We also got the maxi-cosi attachment brackets so the car seat fits onto the base too for the quicker trips.

Offline celica

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hi neg.

pics would be great in the different positions as you mention.

do you usually put them both on the side or just flat down?

taking the wheels on and off isn't really an option, as the wife won't be impressed i feel (so maybe the require a bigger car first)

the maxi cosi is our preference too. is there much room for two adults in the back when it's fitted in the back?

Offline RedRobin

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  • BIALI Motorsport's Chief Horn Blower

If you get a Golf and you have little ones, get a 5-door - It will make all the difference.

On facebook:

Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

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I have a Bugaboo Chameleon and it fits in the boot no problem with room around for a weeks shopping.

We started with a Touran when my little girl was born mainly for when we went away we had plenty of room for travel cot etc

But as soon as she got to 1 I went straight out and got the ED30.

At the end of the day putting up with the Touran for a year was no problem and at least it was VW
Golf GTi Edition 30-Grey - 5 Door - DSG
APS Re-Map, Milltek Non-Res Exhaust, R32 Brakes, Eibach Springs, Eibach ARB's, Carbon Speed Air Intake, Forge DV.
And much more to come.

Offline celica

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it will definately be a 5dr

wouldn't mind seeing how much room there is when it's flat in the boot or on it side etc.

i can then picture what it might look like in the r32 (dreaming)

but other half likes the qashqai

Offline neg

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5 door would be easier - if only the mk5 had the mk4 style seats in would be easier in the 3dr too.

saying that you manage with a 3dr ... and it looks better  :P