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Author Topic: any young parents with new borns with a MK5 golf, want to know if a Bugaboo fits  (Read 7954 times)

Offline CocoPops

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You could always take your pram to a dealer and try it? :)
Used to Own: 2008 GTI Ed30 | ITG Intake | Miltek TBE System | Bluefin Stage 2 | 327bhp
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Offline andrewparker

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I have a 7 week old son, and a black 5 door GTi. We've got an iCandy Apple pram which is similar in size to the Bugaboo, and it fits in the Golf fine. Was a bit of a challenge when we went away over Easter mind. It was like a big game of Jenga!

One thing I would recommend is a Maxi Cosi CabrioFix car seat with the Isofix base station. It is a massive time saver.

Offline celica

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andrewparker, thanks
again wouldn't mind seeing some pics with it in etc.

found this on the icandy:
"Folded Dimensions
Width 60 cm, Length 100 cm, Height 40 cm ( with out wheels 37 cm) this is with the seat unit on.

Seat unit off is Width 60 cm, Length 96 cm, Height 32cm."

do you fit yours on its side or just flat in the boot?

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I agree on the bases - I have one in each car and it makes it so much easier.  Plenty on ebay too  :wink:

Offline andrewparker

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andrewparker, thanks
again wouldn't mind seeing some pics with it in etc.

found this on the icandy:
"Folded Dimensions
Width 60 cm, Length 100 cm, Height 40 cm ( with out wheels 37 cm) this is with the seat unit on.

Seat unit off is Width 60 cm, Length 96 cm, Height 32cm."

do you fit yours on its side or just flat in the boot?

I think it only fits flat in the boot, though I haven't actually tried it on it's side. I can't see it working though...

Offline celica

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andrewparker, pics of it flat would be ace

the other member said they put it on it side (as above)

Offline lookoutsmudger

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I have a Quinny Buzz 3 which fits flat into the boot of my 5 door no problem and without removing the wheels. I also have a Maxi-Cosy car seat with the isofix base which is excellent. 

Offline celica

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be good to see some pics.
as i might consider a r32 (budget pending etc.), but as it looses the depth in the boot it would be tighter if lying it flat or on it's side, due to the back seats angle which reduce the width and length of boot space

Offline andrewparker

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As you can see, not a huge amount of room left!

Oh, and it doesn't fit on it's side.

Offline celica

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andrewparker, thanks. that's great. gives me a good mental picture

(think the r32 boot probably starts on your buggy black centre cap lol)

do you think yours would fit if it was raised up about 8cm (at a guess)?

travel systems aren't the smallest of things though

Offline andrewparker

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Yeah, definitely. We normally put the carry cot on top so there is enough room. Taking the wheels off gives even more room on top.

On a day-to-day basis it is fine, it will easily swallow a large shop at Sainsburys with the buggy frame in the boot. It can just be more difficult when going away for a weekend. But then I guess that depends largely on how many pairs of shoes your missus wants to take with her!

Offline celica

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are carry cots collapsable?

with just the frame like in the pic, at least can fit supermarket shop/ shopping around it (and carry cot in theory could be on passenger seats etc. i guess)

on your weekend trips, surely the baby needs more things than the other half ;-) or is it just shoes shoes shoes

Offline andrewparker

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My wife likes her shoes! A young baby hardly needs anything to be honest.

The iCandy carry cot is collapsible, though it is a bit of a faff, so you wouldn't want to do it on a regular basis.

Regarding the carry cot fitting on the passenger seats, with our Maxicosi seat the carry cot can't sit along side it, it's too wide.

Offline celica

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i didn't think it would be that long not to fit in the back seats, but then again i can imagine it to be


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If you get a Golf and you have little ones, get a 5-door - It will make all the difference.

100% agree.

I have 2 young daughters (aged 1.5 and 3). I used to have a small Fiesta Zetec S (3 Dr) which we learned to get along with. It was a bit of a hassle getting the kids in and out the back seats etc, but I got used to it - and I liked the fact that they had no door handles or window switches etc to mess about with. So much so, that I almost went for a 3 door Golf! It wa sthe wife that persuaded me to get the 5 door. And Im glad.

The time to change cars came when we purchased a double pushchair - where one child seat is behind the other. It wouldnt fit in the boot unless I put it in on its side, diagonally, after removing some bits of the pushchair, and removing the boot shelf!! It was a complete B****!

This large 2 seater fits in the GTI perfectly now. Still have room for shopping as well!

Im also glad I went for the 5 door as well.
Personally, I like the sporty looks of most 3 door cars. However, I think the Golf is one of the very few cars that actually looks awesome as a 5 door as well as a 3.

Is it bad that I sometimes make the kids take their shoes off in the car, so that the back of the front seats dont get dirty when they throw a tantrum?  :grin: